The two-hour UDL workshop serves as a preparatory introduction to the concepts of Universal Design and Universal Design for Learning for faculty, staff and administrators. In addition to introducing these foundational concepts, this session offers participants key examples as to how faculty have incorporated UDL into their teaching practices, as well as “take-away” strategies and additional resources for further exploration.
Previous Faculty Development directors who have adopted these materials highlight the benefit of acquiring administrative support to offer this workshop. Given that UDL practices have shown to have a positive impact on faculty satisfaction and student learning outcomes, consider providing them with the EnACT~PTD Research Summary which underscores the multiple benefits of exploring UDL on your campus. In addition, tying this workshop to other campus-based faculty or administrative priorities (e.g., diversity, graduation rates) may raise the perceived value and participation.
The following documents provide you the necessary resources to offer a two-hour UDL workshop on your campus. Do carefully consider who on your campus is best prepared to offer this workshop. While not essential, are there faculty, staff, or administrators who may already have knowledge or expertise in this area? The specific workshop resources include:
In order to ensure successful participation for your UDL workshop, consider the optimal timing (calendar) of the event, as well as day and time. Are there key campus activities or priorities that align to the workshop goals? Are there particular groups (e.g., new faculty), academic departments, or committees (e.g., curriculum, diversity, accessibility) that may have a particular interest in attending or supporting the UDL workshop? Depending upon your administrative support, this two-hour session can be offered to smaller or larger groups across campus. To facilitate your call for participation, we have included various announcements that you can tailor or adapt as needed.
Sustaining interest in UDL on your campus may be dictated by multiple factors including (a) the ability to quickly form a Faculty Learning Community aligned to this event, (b) how well the workshop was received by the participants, and (c) your ability to capture and disseminate any workshop feedback to the campus community, including key administrators. To support collecting participant feedback, we have included an editable Workshop/Training Evaluation form that you can tailor to your specific needs.